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Seed Funding Application Development Clinic

A follow on session to support applications to Creative Places Baltinglass Seed Funding

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Seed Funding Application Development Clinic
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About the event

Following on from the feedback from Artist Coffee Morning which took place in Baltingass on Friday 21st April, Wicklow Arts Office is pleased to announce a bespoke funding clinic for applicants interested in applying for the Creative Places Baltinglass Seed Funding Scheme.  The session will be conducted over an hour and a half and will provide practical advice and guidance from the Creative Places Baltinglass team in relation to your funding application. 

The session will also feature artist Aisling Ennis, a County Wicklow based professional Harpist who has worked both nationally and internationally in her performance career and recently commenced public funding applications and projects for the first time.

The aim of the session is to provide information on how to apply, what supporting information is required and how to present a project budget.

Creative Places Baltinglass is managed by Wicklow County Arts Office and is funded by the Arts Council, as part of the national Creative Places Programme.

Time & Booking Details

May 10, 2023 7:30 PM


Germaine's, Baltinglass

Booking Required?

Booking is encouraged but not required to attend.

A painter mixes colours photo by alicia zinn from PexelsStorytelling time at Cruinniu in BaltinglassDance image by yogendra singh from Pexels

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